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Public Housing

Public Housing Program

See all funding programs


Income-tested assistance is available to pay rent for social housing owned by NWT Housing in 30 NWT communities.

Financement disponible

The amount of rent to be paid each month is set based on the total income of all persons in the household.

  • No household pays less than $70 or more than $1,625 in rent per month.
  • Seniors benefit from a deduction of up to $1,000 per month from their income and will have a portion of their income excluded from the rent calculation.

Date limite

This funding is available year-round, and applications can be submitted at any time.


You have access to this funding if:

  • you are a resident of the NWT;
  • you have a low or average total household income below your community's monthly income limit;
  • You are 19 years of age or older.
  • You meet your community's residency requirements as set out in your local housing organization's bylaws.

You are NOT eligible for this funding if:

  • you are in arrears with your payments to NWT Housing or any local housing agency in the NWT and do not have an approved and valid repayment plan in place.
  • You own a house.

Comment présenter une demande

To obtain an application form, contact your local housing agency or district office.

Applicants must provide proof of income acceptable to all household members aged 19 and over.

Rent prices are assessed annually.

​​​​​​​Liens connexes

  • Social Housing Brochure
  • Application for social housing
  • Tenants' Guide - When moving into Habitation NWT's social housing, tenants receive a copy of the Tenants' Handbook.

    This guide explains the rights and responsibilities of social housing owners, tenants, and social housing officers in the NWT under the Residential Tenancies Act and Regulations.

Nous joindre

Habitation TNO

5102, 50e Avenue

Yellowknife NT  X1A 2P6

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