Supportive Housing


This program provides support for emergency housing and transitional housing in NWT's smaller communities for residents who are unable to access social housing programs because of past behaviour (arrears or other tenant issues), or residents in situations in which the limited availability of suitable housing has limited their options.

Under the program, Housing Northwest Territories will renovate an existing unit into four (4) self-contained suites.

Available Funding

Housing NWT will provide ongoing funding of $70,000 annually per community for operating costs for the unit of four (4) self-contained suites, including utilities and maintenance, some supplies, and support for workers/case workers staffing.


Funding from Northern Pathways is available to community organizations such as: Non-government organizations* (NGOs), Community governments, and Indigenous Governments.

*Non-Government Organizations must be up to date with Corporate Registries.

The project will be a partnership with eligible community agencies entering into a Contribution Agreement with Housing NWT.

If you are a Senior Adult, (60 years and older) you can apply at any time for assistance under any housing program.

How to Apply

Please contact the Housing NWT Homelessness Programs Coordinator for more information about how to apply for this program.


Please contact your Local Housing Organization, or District Office for your region, to find out more details, and for help to fill out an application if you need it.


Homelessness Programs Coordinator