Housing Appeal Committee

Housing NWT Program clients and applicants with administration issues may raise their concerns to the Housing Appeal Committee.

The Housing Appeal Committee was established to:

  • Provide fairness, transparency and efficiency
  • Complement existing appeal mechanisms
  • Provide a formal mechanism for applicants/clients/tenants to identify issues with the application and approval process.
  • Provide an arms-length and more independent structure for resolving complaints.
  • Communicate and adequately explain decisions.
  • Identify areas where more policy rigor is required.

It is anticipated that the primary issues raised through the appeal process include:

  • Declined public housing applications related to eligibility.
  • Priority given to public housing applicants who were approved and are on the public housing waiting list.
  • The size of a public housing unit allocated to applicants/tenants.
  • The calculation of rent payments for public housing tenants.
  • Declined Housing Choices homeownership applications related to applicants’ eligibility.
  • The level of assistance for which Housing Choices applicants have been approved.
  • How Housing Corporation policies have been applied to the applicant’s circumstances.

Issues that cannot be appealed will include the following:

  • Declined applications due to incomplete documentation provided by applicants.
  • Declined applications due to false or misleading information.
  • Declined applications due to failure to attend the mandatory courses under the Solutions to Educate People (STEP) program.
  • Declined applications due to budget limitations.
  • Estimated assistance related to technical assessments completed by NWT Housing.
  • Size of units as determined by National Occupancy Standards.
  • Decisions that do not directly relate to an applicant’s household, such as the allocation of a Public Housing unit to another person.
  • Any matters that fall under the Residential Tenancies Act, or decisions that have been reached by the Rental Officer.
  • Matters involving an illegal activity and where a criminal proceeding is being pursued against the applicant.

For more information

Appeals General Questions

Can I appeal any decision made by an LHO or a District Office?

The appeal mechanism allows NWT residents to question how Housing NWT or LHO policies have been interpreted and applied to their circumstances. NWT residents cannot appeal established Housing NWT or LHO policies, nor can they appeal any matters that fall under the Residential Tenancies Act or decisions that have been reached by the Rental Officer.

How much time do I have to appeal a decision?

NWT residents wishing to appeal a decision must do so within 20 business days of receiving the decision from their LHO or District Office. The appeal period starts on the day the letter that notifies a resident of a decision by the LHO or District Office is issued.

Can I still appeal a decision that was made before the appeal process was launched?

No, only decisions that were made after the appeal process was launched can be appealed.

I don’t want to appeal to the LHO Board of Directors or the District Director. Can I appeal directly to the Housing Appeal Committee (HAC)?

No, appeals under the Public Housing Program have to be reviewed first by the LHO Board of Directors and, subsequently, by the District Director. Appeals under Housing Choices have to be first reviewed by the District Director. The Housing Appeal Committee will not review appeals that have skipped these appeal levels.

Why should I appeal anyway? All appeal levels are run by the government and I don’t stand a chance of winning.

The Housing Appeal Committee, which makes final decisions on appeals, is composed of senior government employees from various GNWT departments as well as members from the general public. Housing NWT does not view a ruling in favour of an appellant as a “loss” but an opportunity to improve its policies and services.

Why is an appeal process necessary when I can contact my MLA or the Minister?

The appeal process allows residents to have a decision made by an LHO or District Office reviewed and possibly revised. An MLA cannot revise decisions made by Housing NWT or an LHO. NWT residents contacting the Minister regarding decisions made by an LHO or a District Office will be directed to the proper appeal mechanism.

Why can I not attend the meeting of the Housing Appeal Committee when it reviews my appeal?

The Housing Appeal Committee reviews several appeals during a meeting, and your presence could therefore violate the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy (ATIPP) Act. However, you or someone on your behalf may attend the HAC meeting by telephone to state your case. The HAC will review your appeal even if you decide not to attend the meeting by phone.

What happens if I don’t agree with the decision of the Housing Appeal Committee?

Decisions of the Housing Appeal Committee are final and cannot be further appealed.