Housing NWT Action Plan 2022-2025

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Publication date: 
March, 2022

As part of Housing Northwest Territories’ (HNWT) partnership with the Government of Canada under the National Housing Strategy, both parties agreed to develop an action plan that indicates how strategic housing funding invested by the two parties will be spent. This action plan describes how the investment will address housing need, support vulnerable target groups and how success will be measured. The targets and outcomes provided in this plan are a result of mutual agreement between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Housing NWT including indicators and expected results.

This action plan covers the 3-year period 2022-2025. Housing NWT will be expending $46.7 million of combined CMHC and HNWT funding to assist 1,530 households focusing on the following priorities:
1. Maintain/increase existing social housing stock
2. Repair/replace existing stock
3. Homeownership repair programs
4. Support housing affordability

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