Partnership Supports


As part of Housing Northwest Territories’ (HNWT) partnership with the Government of Canada under the National Housing Strategy, both parties agreed to develop an action plan that indicates how strategic housing funding invested by the two parties will be spent. This action plan describes how the investment will address housing need, support vulnerable target groups and how success will be measured. The targets and outcomes provided in this plan are a result of mutual agreement between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Housing NWT including indicators and expected results.

This action plan covers the 3-year period 2022-2025. Housing NWT will be expending $46.7 million of combined CMHC and HNWT funding to assist 1,530 households focusing on the following priorities:
1. Maintain/increase existing social housing stock
2. Repair/replace existing stock
3. Homeownership repair programs
4. Support housing affordability

Publication date: 
March 2022
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports, Residents
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Publication date: 
March 2023
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports
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The Hay River Strategic Housing Plan has been developed over a multi–year process, in collaboration with the Town of Hay River and Housing NWT.

Hay River's community housing plan is designed to address the community’s unique housing needs, increase housing supply, and improve affordability for residents. 

Publication date: 
March 2023
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports, Residents
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A Strategy For Renewal of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation

In recent years there has been an unprecedented focus on the housing crisis in the NWT.

The 19th Legislative Assembly made increasing the number of affordable homes and reducing NWT core housing need one of its priorities, and the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Mandate for 2019-2023 includes several actions related to housing.


Memorandum of Agreement on housing between the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated and Housing Northwest Territories.

Publication date: 
August 2022
Resource Category: 
Partnership Supports
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Application template for the Community Housing Support Initiative

Publication date: 
June 2022
Resource Category: 
Partnership Supports
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Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports
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Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports
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National Housing Co-investment Fund

The National Housing Co-investment Fund

The National Housing Co-Investment Fund is a Federal funding stream that supports new and revitalization construction of mixed-income, mixed-tenure, mixed-use affordable housing. Funded projects need support from another level of government to ensure a coordination of investments. There are two streams within National Housing Co-Investment Fund:


Community Housing Support Initiative Policy Document

Resource Category: 
Partnership Supports
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