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Hay River Strategic Housing Plan

Hay River Strategic Housing Plan

The Hay River Strategic Housing Plan has been developed over a multi–year process, in collaboration with the Town of Hay River and Housing NWT.

Hay River's community housing plan is designed to address the community’s unique housing needs, increase housing supply, and improve affordability for residents. 

The goals and objectives in the plan reflect community needs and priorities shared by residents through multiple periods of engagement and review. A community Advisory Committee was established to guide and inform a 2021 - 2022 housing needs assessment and the development of the 2023 strategic housing plan.

The plan aims to improve housing outcomes and support residents of all ages, incomes, and abilities through housing policy and other actions. The plan sets a framework to implement and prioritize action-oriented strategies, providing guidance for decision-making. In addition, it will promote new partnerships and greater community awareness of housing issues and opportunities.

Plan implementation will be led by the Town of Hay River with support from Housing NWT and community partners.

Housing Plan Documents

Please note that Community Housing Plans are living documents and are therefore subject to change over time.