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As part of Housing Northwest Territories’ (HNWT) partnership with the Government of Canada under the National Housing Strategy, both parties agreed to develop an action plan that indicates how strategic housing funding invested by the two parties will be spent. This action plan describes how the investment will address housing need, support vulnerable target groups and how success will be measured. The targets and outcomes provided in this plan are a result of mutual agreement between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Housing NWT including indicators and expected results.

This action plan covers the 3-year period 2022-2025. Housing NWT will be expending $46.7 million of combined CMHC and HNWT funding to assist 1,530 households focusing on the following priorities:
1. Maintain/increase existing social housing stock
2. Repair/replace existing stock
3. Homeownership repair programs
4. Support housing affordability

Publication date: 
mars 2022
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports, Residents
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Publication date: 
mars 2023
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports
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Publication date: 
mai 2023
Resource Category: 
Homelessness Support, Housing
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The Hay River Strategic Housing Plan has been developed over a multi–year process, in collaboration with the Town of Hay River and Housing NWT.

Hay River's community housing plan is designed to address the community’s unique housing needs, increase housing supply, and improve affordability for residents. 

Publication date: 
mars 2023
Resource Category: 
Housing, Partnership Supports, Residents
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The Alfred Moses Memorial Scholarship and Tom William Memorial Scholarship are awarded to Northwest Territories (NWT) part-time and full-time post-secondary students enrolled in certificate, diploma, degree program or other approved training program related to housing to assist with costs associated with pursuing their education.

In memory of Alfred Moses, six scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to high school students entering into post-secondary education. And in memory of Tom Williams, six scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to post-secondary students.

In total, there will be 12 scholarships awarded annually, two in each Housing NWT district (Beaufort-Delta, Nahendeh, North Slave, Sahtu, South Slave) including two in Yellowknife.

Publication date: 
avril 2023
Resource Category: 
Celebrating 50 Years, Housing
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This funding is available to Housing NWT clients living in public housing to help them purchase their rental unit to become a homeowner.

Publication date: 
novembre 2023
Resource Category: 
Homeownership, Housing, Residents
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If you are a first-time homebuyer, the home purchase program can help you purchase a modest home by providing a portion of your down payment.

Publication date: 
avril 2023
Resource Category: 
Homeownership, Housing, Property and Land, Residents
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Stratégie de renouvellement de la Société d’habitation des Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Ces dernières années, la crise du logement aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest (TNO) a fait l’objet d’une attention sans précédent.

La 19e Assemblée législative a fait de l’augmentation du nombre de logements abordables et de la réduction des besoins impérieux en matière de logement aux TNO l’une de ses priorités; ainsi, le mandat du gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (GTNO) pour 2019-2023 comprend plusieurs mesures liées au logement.

Publication date: 
octobre 2022
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Publication date: 
octobre 2022
Resource Category: 
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